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Comic-Con 2014 Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2014:
Return To The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Thrower

"Did I understand it right," a guy asked me this afternoon on the floor of the Convention Center. "They took the old Turtles toy of a pizza thrower and made it big?"

I nodded.

"That always seemed like a waste of pizza to me," he said.

Well, that's why you're not actually shooting Pizza Hut pizzas at wooden cutouts of Turtles arch-villain Shredder, but soft foam reproductions, just firm enough to knock him down. And you get a free piece of pizza afterward. What's not to like at this fun little attraction at Petco Interactive Park?

Nate Costa held the camera, but they made him stand behind the Shredder targets I climbed up into the turret of the Pizza Thrower. And a little bit of madness began...


Derek McCaw

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