The Dinosaurs Are Dead
Interview with Creators Steve and Travis Linquist, Booth #4535

Greetings and salutations, Fanboy Planet! Your loyal "special guest" on the Fanboy Planet Podcast, Nate Costa, here. Some good buddies of mine have co-created a book about dinosaurs. And zombies. And zombie dinosaurs. So, I interviewed them about the book and hopefully youz'll check it out!
NATE COSTA: What's up with "The Dinosaurs are Dead: The Truth Behind the Extinction"?
TRAVIS LINQUIST: We're calling it a children's book for adults.
STEVE LINQUIST: What we mean is it has the look and feel of a children's book, but the content and language are 100% adult.
NATE COSTA: What is it about?
TRAVIS LINQUIST: Well, we did extensive research on how the dinosaurs went extinct. We used that research as the basis for our story about Davey the Dinosaur.
STEVE LINQUIST:We did our best to stick as close to the truth as we could. *laughs*
NATE COSTA: What inspired you?
STEVE LINQUIST: I've always been into horror and zombie stories.
TRAVIS LINQUIST: Steve and I were at a party one night and he was talking about World War Z by Max Brooks. He wouldn't shut up about it, so I went and bought it the next day. I finished it that same weekend. When I called Steve to tell him how right he was about the book, our conversation turned to us writing something together.
STEVE LINQUIST: So we knocked around a couple ideas, and even wrote a whole other story. Then one day it clicked with me - I loved dinosaurs when I was a kid. How awesome would it be to write a zombie story, but base it in the world of dinosaurs?
TRAVIS LINQUIST: Steve called me and we basically outlined the story during that conversation.
NATE COSTA: How did the artist, Miguel Cervantes, get involved?
TRAVIS LINQUIST: We wanted an artist that got our sense of humor. We talked about a couple artists that we know, but -
STEVE LINQUIST: Miguel is a friend of mine, and I knew he was a good artist. Plus, he got the book right away when I let him read the treatment. He sketched some stuff for us right before 2010 Comic-Con and it looked just like Travis and I had seen it.
TRAVIS LINQUIST: Once Miguel finished all the art it was just a matter of laying the book out, which Steve and his wife, Marisa, took on.
NATE COSTA: So this really is a family project.
NATE COSTA: What's that been like?
TRAVIS LINQUIST: It's been great! Steve and I basically grew up together. We lived on the same farm for almost 6 years. We were thick as thieves when we were kids. Our parents wouldn't let us be in the same kindergarten class because they knew the teacher wouldn't be able to handle us. As we got older, we grew from just being cousins to really being great friends.
STEVE LINQUIST: Plus, we come from a family of shit talkers. Our dads are masters of ball busting.
TRAVIS LINQUIST: Seriously, Steve does stand-up comedy and if he wanted he could just tell true stories about our parents and he'd have hours of material.
NATE COSTA: What are your day jobs?
STEVE LINQUIST: I'm a producer at RENKEWITZ STUDIOS and I've been doing stand-up comedy for 5 years.
TRAVIS LINQUIST: I teach 6th grade.
NATE COSTA: So what's next?
TRAVIS LINQUIST: We plan on making "Dinosaurs" a trilogy. Everything we grew up with was a trilogy, so it only makes sense.
STEVE LINQUIST: From there we have some other things we're exploring. We like the idea of creating universes to play around in. This book has been a really great learning experience, now we just want to keep it going.
NATE COSTA: I understand you'll be at Comic-Con this year...
STEVE LINQUIST: Yep. Booth 4535. Travis and I will be there the whole show, Wednesday through Sunday. Miguel will be there with us on Saturday and Sunday.
TRAVIS LINQUIST: We're gonna have the book, posters and t-shirts for sale at the booth. Everyone should come see us.
NATE COSTA: What about those not going to Comic-Con? Where can they find the book?
STEVE LINQUIST: At we have the book for sale, shirts for sale and links to our Facebook and Twitter accounts - both of which we'll be updating throughout Comic-Con.
NATE COSTA: Awesome. Thanks, guys...
TRAVIS LINQUIST: No, thank you, and thank you, Fanboy Planet. Make sure you let everyone know we'll be at Booth 4535.
NATE COSTA: I got it.
STEVE LINQUIST: And, remember, use your powers only for good!
Nate Costa is a sometimes contributor to the Fanboy Planet Podcast. You can usually hear him plugging numerous projects his brother and friends are working on, or telling you where you can buy his shoes (eBay seller name shoepimpnatedizzle)