The Sunwell Trilogy
a big fan of video games and have been since Atari had those
hideously long black controllers that looked like remote
controls. I’d always been a console fan, rather than
a computer gamer for two reasons: I like having a controller
in my hand, and I couldn’t afford a computer that
could run a massive-multiplayer-online roleplaying game
or first person shooter of say Half-Life quality.
So when
I finally got a computer with chops, thank you college graduation,
I started playing my first MMORPG, Worlds of Warcraft. I’m
slowly climbing my way up to higher levels, but mostly,
the only thing I want is the damn horse your character gets
at level 40, because running across continents bigger than
Asia on a video game is more annoying than Jaleel White
on crank.
impressed with the story aspect of the game, something I
didn’t expect to find, especially since it ties into
the previous Warcraft games: the infamous Warcraft III and
Warcraft: Frozen Throne. The plotting of the game itself
is rather in-depth.
am I talking about this? Because now the people at TokyoPop
have tried to throw together a comic book series that ties
into the plot from the games, Warcraft: The Sunwell
Trilogy. To do this, they’ve brought in fantasy
series writer Richard Knaak to pen the script and Jae-Hwan
Kim, Korean artist of King of Hell. Both are talented
artists, but the work they do here is pretty much par for
the course fantasy, lacking in back story and falling into
easy and predictable rhythms.
story follows a young Blue Dragon, Kalec, as he begins his
search for a “mysterious power,” taking human
form after he is wounded by an angry dwarf and his trusty
rifle. He is tended to by a young and buxom peasant girl
named Anveena, because no matter what, if you are injured
in the deep forest, there is a maiden with medicinal training
within twenty yards. Now Kalec is in hiding from the dwarf
and his band of trolls and orcs (which is odd because I
am almost sure that dwarves, under Warcraft continuity,
really hate orcs) but an even worse turn of events has him
facing down with the Undead Scourge as they surround the
house and kill Anveena’s family.
if I spoiled that for you, but anyone who reads fantasy
knows that the peasant girl’s family will die, if
for no other reason than they’re just farmers and
farmers don’t last long in a world full of dragons
and magic and zombies. When in doubt, the writers kill the
agriculturalists first.
As they
go along, they begin picking up player charact-- I mean
allies, discovering that each one has a unique connection
to the search for the energies of the Sunwell, the loss
of which allowed Quel’thalas and the High Elves of
Azeroth to lose to the Undead Scourge.
story is very pat and obvious and asks the reader to ignore
the holes in the plot. Why does no one question a dwarf
hanging with orcs? Why is Anveena a human, yet says she’s
from the High Elf lands? Where did all these dragons come
from, when Warcraft continuity doesn’t say much about
them? Knaak sometimes lightly touches on these questions,
but nothing close to actual plot development. His characters
are one-dimensional and flat, and not to mention boring
as hell. There’s the charismatic hero, there’s
the tortured hero, there’s the obligatory dwarf, the
female spell caster....I could go on.
dialogue is bad because it is entirely indistinct from one
character to another, his scripts giving no hint of individuality
to any of his creations. There is almost no emotional content,
which one would think to find when a girl’s parents
are burned alive, yet not here. This emotionlessness isn’t
helped by Kim’s inability to draw facial expression
other than using an eyebrow or open mouth.
art is good in general, save for his lack of character emotion
portrayal. His character designs are invariably detailed
and interesting and very good when most fantasy comics are
not of such high quality. He uses a great deal of shading
to add texture to manga-like artwork that usually isn’t
there. His style is more reminiscent of Record Loddoss War
than anything else. His work is just not helped by Knaak’s
It might
not be Knaak’s fault entirely that this project has
ended up so badly; the beginning of the comic is about nine
pages of exposition that explains the world of Warcraft
to the reader, some of which is derived directly from the
games, and some that is obviously added so that the comic
has some type of hold in Warcraft myth.
these pages, the reader would have even less of a clue as
to the how and why of the comic, but honestly, no one wants
to read nine pages of exposition before the comic even starts.
A good writer should be able to weave the history into the
plot, not just have his characters respond to it, and a
good writer should be able to play off existing material
to craft a story, rather than write up new material and
try to shoehorn it into the continuity.
is a case of a writer and artist having great source material
and lousy execution. It really isn’t worth your $9.99
to own this manga-esque little book, even if you happen
to have a level thrity-two warlock on the Bonechewer server
that needs to go to Thousand Needles to finally get the
spell to summon his felhunter.....I mean, you know, you
could spend that money on a monthly prescription. Or something.