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Suspended Animation:
Ed's Terrestrials

Three cute little aliens escape from a planet that is one giant, intergalactic, food court. They end up on Earth in Ed's tree house, longing to find jobs and teleport their fellow food court slaves to freedom.

What a simple but fun idea! But is it worth the price of admission?

You'll be reminded of the best in animation as you read this well-drawn romp with Ed, who is probably eight or nine years old. The colors are vibrant and perfect for the minimalistic art. The visual storytelling is flawless.

You'll also enjoy the writer's vivid storytelling, characterization, and imagination. In 84 pages, the writer and artist create characters and situations that are guaranteed to
delight children and adults as well.

Ed's Terrestrials is highly recommended for adults who love to read to preliterate children, and for first readers.

Ed's Terrestrials

Mark Allen

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