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Tony Loco Returns With His Toys
Preview pages from Tony Loco #2, coming from Illusive Arts

This is as hot off the press as it gets, really, as Mark Teague has just sent the finished art over to me for the second issue of Tony Loco, written by Derek McCaw and Mark Teague, with full art and lettering by Mark Teague.

That would be the book that we at Fanboy Planet produce, which Komikwerks.com calls an "...indie sensation."

In the second issue, Tony comes alive from his long years of mental isolation. A childhood friend with big ears and a trunk (literally) revives the lost boy within and inspires Tony. Will it be too late for the patients being terrorized by Dr. Lloyd and his orderlies? Just what are those things lurking in the dark corners of the hospital?

If you haven't checked out Tony Loco yet, you're missing a book that has been getting some great critical response.

"The writing and dialogue of this issue is engaging and tight. I was actually made uncomfortable and ill at ease by the setting and the treatment of the residents by the staff. It’s difficult to really describe the overall sensation of reading the set-up issue of the series, but I will state that I’m hungry for more."
- Koben Kelly, Newsarama.com

"If you want something different then check this out. You will not be disappointed."
- Richard Vasseur, Jazmaonline.com

"Yet, the story of TONY LOCO never falters or stumbles. It pulls you right in and moves you along. It combines elements of drama, humor, pathos — and just about anything else you’d want in a story."
- T. E. Pouncey, Geekzine.com

"With its haunted atmosphere and weirdly compelling storyline, Tony Loco is spellbinding from page one."
- Mark Hamill, actor/writer/director

"I can't wait to see what happens next."
- Tim Bradstreet, artist (The Punisher, Criminal Macabre)

Okay, and my friends have told me they liked it, too, but they're my friends.

You can order the second issue from Diamond Distribution -- order #MAR07 3572. Check it out with your local retailer, or order it from our publisher, Illusive Arts Entertainment. The first issue is still available, too. Meanwhile, enjoy this sneak peek at the first five pages...

Derek McCaw

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