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Star Wars: The Expanded Marvel Universe
A Preview of Star Wars #1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... when you got most of your comics at the local drug store...

Marvel Comics launched an unknown book called Star Wars, three months before the movie opened and changed cinema forever. (So, ahem, Stephen Colbert, you claim being a fan two weeks ahead of time? We claim being fans three MONTHS ahead of time.)

On January 14, Marvel Comics will once again be in control of the Star Wars comics license -- and they're starting with a book that looks beautiful.

Allegedly this first issue has over a million copies ordered already, which has some wondering if we're about to see a boom in comics sales.

To be honest, this looks like a good book, and may be worth every bit of attention it gets. And if casual fans of Star Wars are getting excited by the hype and have gone into stores looking for this, great.

Let us not forget, however, that there's Nerd Block, likely ordering a bunch of these for inclusion in a larger box of cool stuff. They also have a LOT of variant covers -- every one sounding pretty cool. With all the Star Wars hype happening right now -- and the new movie still a year away -- it's possible we're seeing another speculator run.

I hope I'm wrong about this being artificially inflated, because John Cassaday's art is always worth the price of admission, and Jason Aaron has been doing some solid work on Marvel titles. This time around, Marvel is obviously taking a page from what previous license holder Dark Horse had done, and making sure they've got top talent working on one of the most valuable properties parent company Disney has.

I'm all in.

From Marvel:

Lucasfilm Ltd. and Marvel Entertainment are extremely proud to present your new look at the highly anticipated STAR WARS #1 – the blockbuster new ongoing series welcoming Star Wars™ back home to the House of Ideas!

The all-star creative team of Jason Aaron (Thor, Original Sin), artist John Cassaday (Astonishing X-Men) and colorist Laura Martin bring a galaxy far, far away to life like never before as the adventures of the Rebel Alliance continue following the events of Star Wars: A New Hope!

"Every story is about the characters, and we'll focus on all the old favorites," writer Jason Aaron tells Marvel.com "There will be big moments for everyone, from Han to R2-D2. But a major part of the narrative will be driven by Luke Skywalker and his journey of discovery, a journey that will decide the fate of the entire galaxy."

Taking place immediately after the destruction of the first Death Star, join Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, R2-D2 and C-3PO as the Rebel Alliance attempts to liberate the galaxy from Darth Vader and the tyranny of the Empire! Created in close partnership with Lucasfilm, this new ongoing comic series will exist as part of the canon for the Star Wars Universe!

"If you're not excited for Star Wars right now, you must be living under a rock!" says Star Wars Editor Jordan D. White. "All anyone is talking about is that awesome teaser...and it's still a whole year before the movie comes out! Fortunately, we've been working overtime to bring you all-new adventures of the original Star Wars gang to satisfy everyone's hunger for space adventure! Jason Aaron, Kieron Gillen, Mark Waid—these are some of the best writers in the comics industry, and they are sparing no expense to craft stories that live up to the classic series with the same feel and tone of the original. Combine them with the amazing artwork of John Cassaday, Salvador Larroca, and Terry Dodson—each one a serious Star Wars fan themselves—and trust me...these comics will be everything you could want from a Star Wars series."

STAR WARS #1 (NOV140709)
Written by JASON AARON
Art & Cover by JOHN CASSADAY
Variant Covers by JOHN CASSADAY (NOV140711), BOB MCLEOD (NOV140712), JOE QUESADA (NOV140714), ALEX ROSS (NOV140716), SARA PICHELLI (NOV140718), SKOTTIE YOUNG (NOV140719) and J. SCOTT CAMPBELL (NOV140710)
Party Variant by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHER (NOV140720)
Action Figure Variant by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHER (NOV140721)
Movie Variant Also Available (NOV140713)
Quesada Sketch Variant, Ross Sketch Variant and Christopher Party Sketch Variant Also Available
FOC – 12/08/14, On Sale 01/14/15

Derek McCaw

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