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Chuck Dixon Brings Justice To Moonstone
Look For Wyatt Earp: Dodge City #1 In January!

Moonstone, Tombstone...what's the difference?
Good news for fans of the two-fisted writing style of Chuck Dixon. After the collapse of CrossGen, where he did his best to revivify the pirate genre (El Cazador) and was almost able to make a stand as a Republican writer in a liberal media (a series that never made it past the promotional art phase), Dixon was left free to move about the country.

Thanks to Moonstone, we now have him back, writing in one of the many genres in which he is not only comfortable, but often brilliant.

Though Wyatt Earp is an actual historical figure, he has long passed into, if not legend, popular culture. Considering Moonstone's usual oeuvre, this might even be a loose continuation of the '50's television series starring Hugh O'Brian. Knowing Dixon (which, actually, I don't), it's possible that there may be elements from that baby boomer series present.

From Moonstone:

Dodge City, 1877: WYATT EARP's the towns new lawman, & it don't take him more than five minutes to get into a tussle with a couple of cowboys used to doing things the outlaw way. Earp sets out to clean up the town, but some folks don't take too kindly to his tactics. With the odds so stacked against him why does DOC HOLIDAY cover the spread on a mark these desperados put on his head? And what business brings the MASTERSON boys to Dodge City?

Written by Chuck Dixon (Nightwing, Brids of Prey) with grey toned art by Enrique Villagran (Punisher)!

Justice rides into town...

I'll be your huckleberry, Mr. Dixon...


Derek McCaw

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