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It's Been an Astonishing Year
Marvel Previews Astonishing X-Men #12...

Do I really need to add any hype to this?

Joss Whedon proved he knew these characters inside and out, making each and every issue of this book a must-read -- either first on the stack or agonizingly placed on the bottom so that I would guarantee my reading week would end with the best it could possibly be.

But it wasn't just the reading. John Cassaday's art makes every issue of Astonishing X-Men one I have to read at least twice, so I can pore over every little detail. This is an artist with nuance.

At least in comics, we love nuance.

So Marvel offers us these beautiful preview images. Click on the smaller versions to get them blown up to a size suitable for drooling, but mind your keyboards.

From Marvel:

The first year of Joss Whedon and John Cassaday’s Astonishing X-Men is coming to a close with this month’s Astonishing X-Men #12. And the super-star duo of Whedon and Cassaday are going to put everyone’s favorite mutants through the wringer to round out their titanic first run.

“Astonishing X-Men quickly established itself as the premiere X-book—and issue #12 reminds readers why!” says X-Office Senior Editor Mike Marts. “This final issue of Whedon & Cassaday’s first year has big-screen action, twists and turns, and an ending that will leave fans dying for #13, due out early next year! “

Astonishing X-Men has been the most critically acclaimed run on the X-Men in years and Astonishing X-Men #12 is only the beginning. In early 2006, Whedon and Cassaday are returning for another year-long arc that picks up where the “Dangerous” story arc and “House of M” conclude…with the X-Men changed forever.

“There is little that can be said about Joss and John’s work on Astonishing X-Men that hasn’t already been said, so let me just get to the info that fans really care about...Joss and John will be back for another year’s worth! And in the words of the ol’ wordsmith himself, ‘nuff said!” enthuses Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada.

Whedon and Cassaday have turned their critical acclaim on Astonishing X-Men into a rabid fan-following and phenomenal sales. “Multiple issues of the run have needed second limited edition printings, while the Astonishing X-MenVol. 1 TPB has also had record breaking sales,” said David Gabriel Director of Sales. Retailers should order accordingly on issue #12.”

You can’t afford to miss the conclusion to a historic run that will soon be mentioned in the same breath as other X-Men classics.

Derek McCaw

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