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Hitch A Ride On The Porkchop Express:
Boom! Details Big Trouble In Little China

We got a teaser image a couple of months ago, and finally Boom! Studios has confirmed exactly what we'd hoped -- that we're getting more Trouble in Little China.

But will it be BIG? First of all, it's a sequel, which means they have to make it bigger. Second of all, creator John Carpenter returns to work alongside writer Eric Powell. So... really, what an incredible combination.

This book. This book is going to rock.

From Boom! Studios:

“You know what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like this?” This June, BOOM! Studios will tell you just what ol’ Jack Burton says in his continuing adventures in BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA, a new, ongoing series from comics favorites Eric Powell (The Goon) and Brian Churilla (The Sixth Gun: Sons of the Gun).

The cult-classic film combined ‘80s supernatural action with ‘70s kung-fu flicks, and BOOM! has the film’s original director, John Carpenter, working alongside Powell to bring that over-the-top spirit to the comic.

“It’s already been a rewarding journey bringing ol’ Jack Burton back for new adventures and we're just barely getting started,” said BOOM! Studios Editor-In-Chief Matt Gagnon.

“I have fond memories of watching BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA, cracking up at Jack Burton and his plight. I always thought there were so many more stories to tell with that character and the world he inhabits. So putting together the amazing team of Eric and Brian for this series, along with the guidance of John Carpenter, has been a dream come true. Now everybody can truly relax. Jack’s here.”

Jack Burton, a macho, truck-driving adventurer, finds a stowaway hiding on  his rig, The Pork Chop Express, but that soon becomes the least of his troubles. He helped his best friend Wang save his fiancée from the clutches of a demon, but now the wedding has been invaded by more evil forces with one thing on their minds—revenge against Jack Burton!

BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA #1 arrives in comic shops on June 4th with a cover price of $3.99 under Diamond order code APR140960.

The main cover is illustrated by Eric Powell, and retailer incentive covers by Joe Quinones (whose covers for issues #1-4 will connect), Chris Weston (The Filth, The Invisibles), and Terry Dodson (X-Men), will be available in limited quantities. Additionally, an ultra-limited variant illustrated by Emi Yonemura Brown featuring Jack Burton’s iconic tank top will also be available.

As always, look to your local comics shop for the books discussed here on Fanboy Planet -- Earth-2 in Sherman Oaks and Northridge, The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach, Illusive Comics & Games in Santa Clara, Hijinx Comics in Willow Glen would all be great places, and many do mail-order business.


Derek McCaw



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