DC Reveals The New More Diverse 49...
It all begins Free Comic Book Day.
DC announced this morning that on June 3, 2015, they would initiate a new line of books that focuses more on diversity in character and creators, 24 new titles to go along with 25 that will survive from the previous line-up. Finally dropping the tag "The New 52" (because it's really not new anymore), they might just be dropping the tight continuity. Instead, DC will be focusing on creating titles that more people will want to read -- and offering mini-series when they just have a cool idea to share.
“This heralds in a new era for the DC Universe which will allow us to publish something for everyone, be more expansive and modern in our approach and tell stories that better reflect the society around us,” said DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Dan DiDio. “Whether you’ve been a DC fan your whole life, or whether you are new to comics – there will be a book for you beginning in June."
This will follow a two-month event called Convergence, which will feature characters (and versions of characters) from many different eras in DC continuity history clashing and coming together to defeat a threat to their realities. It also follows something more important that DC noticed -- titles with something unique to them with individual creators seem to attract sales. (See the recently revamped Batgirl, Gotham Academy, Arkham Manor.)
“In this new era of storytelling, story will trump continuity as we continue to empower creators to tell the best stories in the industry,” said DiDio.
Thank you, Dan. This is what we've been hungering for since the launch of The New 52. Just give us good books.
DC will really kick this off in May on Free Comic Book Day with the above-pictured book - Divergence, not to be confused with Divergent. The book will feature three eight-page stories previewing what's to come in June -- Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok's "The Darkseid War" coming up in Justice League, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's next arc on Batman, and new (to DC) writer Gene Luen Yang's debut on Superman with continuing artist John Romita, Jr.
All cynicism aside, this means some titanic things for the DC line. Sure, it's for sales, but it also means that a diverse line-up of creators will be playing in the toybox, and the titles are certainly not what you might expect.(Congratulations to Bay Area creator Yang -- whose work for First Second Press has consistently been pushing #comicsforward.)
Plus John Constantine is becoming Hellblazer again, as Ming Doyle and Riley Rossmo will relaunch him as Constantine: The Hellblazer. Will that #saveconstantine on NBC? We can hope.
“More than ever before, DC Comics fans are being exposed to our rich portfolio of characters through multiple sources, including an unprecedented number of highly successful TV shows, video games and upcoming major motion pictures,” said Co-Publisher Jim Lee.
“We are looking to extend that experience within publishing to ensure there is a comic book for everyone. For example, fans of the Arrow television show may want more stories about Black Canary. Now they can find modern, fresh takes on the character in the pages of her standalone series both in stores and digitally.”
Logically, Brenden Fletcher, who co-writes the popular revamp of Batgirl, will be launching a new Black Canary title. In addition to working on Harley Quinn, the husband and wife creative team most threatening to Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick's status as comics power couple Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti will be working on Harley Quinn/Power Girl and Starfire, whose costume will start making sense.
“Beyond character and creators, the June slate will showcase different styles and approaches to storytelling as we add offbeat, irreverently funny titles such as Bizarro, Bat-Mite, and PREZ,” said Lee. “Truly there will be something for everybody as we simultaneously celebrate our rich legacy while embracing new voices and concepts.”
The full list of new titles and creators is below, and you should find something that excites you (and we hope that the relaunch of Batman & Robin as Robin, Son of Batman now written and pencilled by Patrick Gleason still means that Gleason has local genius inker Mick Gray on the book.).
Title |
Creative Team |
Batman Beyond |
W: Dan Jurgens
A: Bernard Chang |
Bat-Mite (6-issue limited) |
W: Dan Jurgens
A: Corin Howell |
Bizarro (6-issue limited) |
W: Heath Corson
A: Gustavo Duarte |
Black Canary |
W: Brenden Fletcher
A: Annie Wu & Irene Koh |
Constantine: The Hellblazer |
W: Ming Doyle
A: Riley Rossmo |
Cyborg |
W: David Walker
A: Ivan Reis |
Dark Universe |
W: James Tynion IV
A: Ming Doyle |
Green Lantern: Lost Army |
W: Cullen Bunn
A: Jesus Saiz & Javi Pina |
Doomed |
W: Scott Lobdell
A: Javier Fernandez |
Earth 2: Society |
W: Daniel Wilson
A: Jorge Jimenez |
Dr. Fate |
W: Paul Levitz
A: Sonny Liew |
Harley Quinn/Power Girl (6-issue limited) |
W: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner
A: Stephane Roux |
Justice League of America |
W: Bryan Hitch
A: Bryan Hitch |
Justice League 3001 |
W: Keith Giffen
A: Howard Porter |
Martian Manhunter |
W: Rob Williams
A: Ben Oliver |
Midnighter |
W: Steve Orlando
A: ACO |
Mystic U |
W: Alisa Kwitney
A: Stay tuned for artist info! |
Omega Men |
W: Tom King
A: Alec Morgan |
Prez |
W: Mark Russell
A: Ben Caldwell |
Red Hood/Arsenal |
W: Scott Lobdell
A: Denis Medri |
Robin, Son of Batman |
W: Patrick Gleason
A: Patrick Gleason |
Section Eight (6-issue limited) |
W: Garth Ennis
A: John McCrea |
Starfire |
W: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner
A: Emanuela Lupacchino |
We Are Robin |
W: Lee Bermejo
A: Khary Randolph |