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Black Science #3:
To Pierce The Dimensional Void...

The first issue of this series by Rick Remender and Matteo Scalera was a Pick Of The Week a few months ago as well, but this series just keeps getting better. It delivers on the promise of that initial issue: big action and big ideas.

There are simple grounded moments- the main character, Grant McKay, has been cheating on his wife; the bureaucrat boss is a clichéd tool- that make the fantastical surroundings seem that much more surreal. Again, Remender gives the reader a straightforward thoroughfare in terms of the action, while having the narrator speak of the greater story that’s happening all around them.

The action is fairly simple, the “bad guys” are coming, one of the team is dying and they need to get out. That’s it.

As to why they are on a strange world and why they would even build a machine to pierce the dimensional void, well, that’s the bigger question posed to the audience.

Scalera is a revelation here. His work on Hulk a few months ago was perfect for that title and that same synergy is displayed here. He has a “rough” style, with lots of lines and angles, but he can tackle anything: from an office to a lab to an army of armor clad Natives invading Germany in WWI.

His style lends to the crazy action of the book, and he puts the reader right into the chaos. His characters are slightly exaggerated and I love it. It makes me realize that I am reading a comic where anything can happen. Dean White paints the finishes of the book and it looks gorgeous.

But, if anyone can read German, can you tell me what about 1/3 of the dialogue is in this book?

Kris Koller works at Earth-2 Comics Northridge, 8967 Reseda Blvd. in Northridge, California, always happy to help you find the book you're looking for. You can also venture into Earth-2 Comics at 15017 Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks.

As always, look to your local comics shop for the books discussed here on Fanboy Planet -- Earth-2 in Sherman Oaks and Northridge, The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach, Illusive Comics & Games in Santa Clara, Hijinx Comics in Willow Glen would all be great places, and many do mail-order business.

Kris Koller

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