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Slowed down, you moved too fast...
Jason Schachat's
Occasional Breakdown
12/20/05 page 2
page 1 here

Now, while Bendis may have ended things right in House of M, the chaos it caused in the Marvel universe is still... well... chaotic in Son of M #1.

While Generation M gives us an outsider’s view of the depowered mutant population, this one puts us right into the internal monologue of Quicksilver, son of Magneto, brother of Scarlet Witch, and the man responsible for twisting reality into a hard-to-swallow pretzel.

Now, the speedster no longer has the abilities which defined him. The quickness, agility, and intellect are all gone. All that remains is a simple, filthy human: the very thing Quicksilver has despised for all these years.

Unfortunately for him, Spider-man also remembers the recent alternate reality debacle. He remembers that he had a son, that Uncle Ben and Gwen Stacy never died, and, worst of all, he remembers being married to the woman he loved – and it wasn’t Mary Jane.

As luck would have it, he also remembers that Quicksilver’s to blame for all this torment, so it only makes sense that they bump into each other in a dark alley one night.

Sadly, this is a story that both benefits and suffers from Marvel continuity. Reading House of M will hammer home the pain of Peter Parker’s loss. However, reading the recent Spider-Man “Evolve or Die” crossover completely confuses the order of things. Is this the evolved Spidey? He seems the same, so that suggests “Evolve or Die” comes after House of M and this story. But Peter didn’t have this life-altering ordeal buzzing through his head before “Evolve or Die”, and Son of M shows him living in Stark Tower...

...and this is why some people may not go for this book.

Even though it’s the first issue of a miniseries, it bases a lot of its story on the events of “Avengers Disassembled” and House of M. However, if you read TOO many Marvel books, the chronology is going to send your head spinning.

Writer David Hine gives us some good food for thought in this issue, but it doesn’t hit you as hard as the recent Generation M. While this miniseries may be a must for Quicksilver fans, the reveal that Spider-man remembers House of M messes with continuity at least as much as the “No more mutants = only 90% of mutants, actually” and “Mutant genes may be gone, but mutations aren’t, necessarily” problems.

Do we want to see what happens to Quicksilver? Definitely. Do we want the Marvel universe to get even more absurd while we’re doing it? Well, I guess that depends on what you think of the return of Lockjaw, the giant teleporting dog...

For yet more dredging through the Marvel B-list, Cable & Deadpool #23 gives us a rip roaring fight between the aforementioned protagonists, Black Mamba, Asp, and Diamondback (collectively known as B.A.D. Girls), The Cat, Black Box, and an endless army of Rive and Makeshift clones.

Worldshaking action with characters nobody remembers!
Yes, the blank looks on your faces are completely justified.

Wrapping up the story of the Dominus Objective (a virus that acts like a hard drive that acts like a server that’s really just a MacGuffin), this issue opens with the reveal that Black Box is, in fact *cue drum roll* Comcast.

No, not the cable company, just a villain who used to wear a colander on his head..

As it turns out, Comca– er, Black Box has been cloning himself and getting killed for years, as have Rive and Makeshift, but now he’s out of clone... stuff... so it’s REALLY him this time. No, really. Really, definitely him.

This segues into a cyberspace duel between Cable and Black Box, where we finally get some backstory and motivation from our villain, and a one hundred on one battle between Deadpool and the Makeshift and Rive clones.

Oh, and then B.A.D. Girls and The Cat come in and start slaughtering clones, too.

Unfortunately, writer Fabian Nicieza chooses to focus more on getting inside Black Box’s head and less on giving us that witty Deadpool banter we crave, so the story feels a bit too Matrix-inspired and not quite irreverent enough. Truth be told, he kind of dug himself a hole with the pseudo-technical Dominus computer virus when he could have spent more time developing this sorta new Cable and the plans for his great society that are hinted at here.

And there’s never enough Deadpool, but that should go without saying.

While we get some fun out of this issue, and interesting new pieces are put into play, the final showdown seems to lack weight. While it’s worth buying for Cable & Deadpool fans, new readers should hold off for next month’s Deadpool vs. Spider-Man issue.

Jason Schachat

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