Deathmatch Must Be Read!
Remember when your favorite superheroes were kidnapped from their homes and forced to fight for seemingly no reason on a distant planet? Remember when that big crisis happened and the universe almost fell apart?
Of course you do.
Its been happening over and over since you were a kid. But, now, you’ve grown up and everything seems so much heavier than it used to, doesn’t it? DEATHMATCH is the ULTIMATE META SECRET CRISIS WAR for grown ups. It places instantly recognizable super hero avatars in a seemingly meaningless series of battles to the death. It is a cruel game of chess played with characters you love. It is a horror story where the answer is unknown and right before the eyes.
It is amazingly well-written. Paul Jenkins penned the near perfect INHUMANS maxi-series from MARVEL KNIGHTS and created the SENTRY. Its got great art. Carlos Magno channels the spirit of Moebius. It is a must read.
For the first time in a long time, I’m reading a superhero epic that I can’t predict the ending to. Isn’t that great?
You can find VOLUME ONE and Issue #8 (which just came out this week) in both Earth-2 locations right now! Darren Thomas is General Manager of both Earth-2 Comics, 15017 Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks, and 8967 Reseda Blvd. in Northridge, California. A poet and a preacher, Darren is extremely well-read and a connoisseur of the finest alternative music. Looking for recommendations? Digging the shop music? He's the man to talk to--especially if the topic is crime fiction.
As always, look to your local comics shop for the books discussed here on Fanboy Planet -- Earth-2 in Sherman Oaks and Northridge, The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach, Illusive Comics & Games in Santa Clara would all be great places.
But if you live in an area where you are not served by a comics shop (GASP!), we do provide a helpful Amazon link.