story and art by Rod Espinosa
In this issue we begin to learn some of the
secrets hidden on the island paradise, Eriden. Theres
a secret vault of lost knowledge that Philios is determined
to recover. Theres a hidden reason the islands
people are able to live in luxury without technology, one
that a cursory knowledge of ancient Western civilization should
allow you to guess.
theres an unexpected bargain struck that culminates
in one of the best visuals in the series so far: a vast shadowy
battle, rendered beautifully in the hushed blacks and grays
of the small hours of the morning.
A lot
of mainstream comics are focused primarily on a handful of
introducing a secondary character every now and then as necessary
or keeping a large supporting cast of villains and acquaintances
on the racks to be called up when theyre needed.
numbers are much the same, but theres something about
the structure of the story and the world that make it feel
more populated than average. The characters weve just
met all have clear motivations and personalities, such that
its never obvious who is there to advance
the plot passively and who might join the protagonists to
take a more active role. It doesnt all interlock perfectly;
theres one character whose personality probably could
have been drawn out more clearly, so that the pivotal event
he sets in motion would seem less arbitrary. But most of the
plot elements are so well developed that any of them could
become the focus.
And by
the way...that pixie magic thing from the
last issue? Turns out it was important after all.
Go figure.