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Green Eggs and Sandman

One of the most highly anticipated new series, Sandman: Overture has had fans patiently waiting for issue #2. For the fabled variety of reasons, it has been delayed twice, now re-scheduled for March 26.

Recently a video surfaced of author Neil Gaiman reading Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs & Ham, prompting my friend Steve Higgins, owner of Outer Limits in Waltham, MA, to quip that he is just reading Dr. Seuss to customers seeking Sandman Overture #2.

(Editor's Note: Did you know that Dr. Seuss is the first recorded use of the word "Nerd"? It appears in If I Ran The Zoo in 1950. Oh, my. It's an endless loop, isn't it?)

This has inspired the following poem in honor of comics retailers everywhere:

I do not have it, Sam I Am
I do not have the new Sandman
I do not have it in a bag
I do not have it as a mag

I do not have it on my rack
I do not have it in the back
I do not have it in my store
and neither does the shop next door

I do not have the new Sandman
Perhaps you'd like some Miracleman?

Carr D'Angelo is the owner of Earth-2 Comics in Sherman Oaks, CA and Earth-2 Comics Northridge, in Northridge, CA.

Carr D'Angelo



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