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Comic-Con 2014 Today's Date:

Comic-Con 2014:
Marvel Asks Cosplayers,
"Have You Tried Our Method?"

If you can't beat 'em, show them how to do it your way?

With the growing enthusiasm for cosplay at conventions, Marvel has launched a new series on their Youtube Channel that will take fans step by step through the process of putting together a costume. The final reveal of the costume will take place at Comic-Con and possibly inspire even more cosplay for 2015.

From Marvel:

Marvel Method: Cosplay is the first Marvel Original Video Series to go inside the process of building a Marvel costume, culminating in its big reveal at San Diego Comic-Con 2014. Debuting July 8th on Marvel.com and on Marvel’s YouTube Channel, every Tuesday and Thursday, fans will get an inside look at the process of character selection, wearable design and fabric construction all leading up to the final reveal on opening day of San Diego Comic-Con at the Marvel booth.

Join Lorraine Cink, Host and Writer of Marvel's The Watcher, and Judy Stephens, Associate Producer/ Cosplay Expert, as they seek out help and advice from professional costumer, Carly Bradt; Wig Expert, Katie Hondrogen; and professional Cosplayer, Yaya Han.

But who will these Marvel mavens of cosplay choose as their inspiration?

After considering so many powerful women of the Marvel Universe, we continued to be drawn back to the Scarlet Witch”, says Cink. “Her recent death in Uncanny Avengers, her upcoming appearance in Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron, and her stunning redesign by John Cassaday for the Marvel NOW! initiative all played part in our ultimate decision to build her costume. However, the true linchpin for me was that Wanda Maximoff is one of the most complex, dynamic and powerful players in the Marvel Universe - who could resist the opportunity to be her for a day?”


Derek McCaw



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