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WonderCon 2010: Gallery 1

Mish'al Samman showed up at WonderCon, a nice surprise both to see him and to see that he brought his camera and dutifully snapped a few moments from the Con for Fanboy Planet...

About 2/3 of the floor was filled, while the remainder went to queues that never quite seemed occupied.
A friendly Fanboy Planet suggestion for next year: just go ahead and make wider aisles so we won't have as many needless traffic jams. And always leave room for Captain America.

As always, plenty of toys that you might not be seeing at your local Toys r Us.

Even shambling swamp creatures find WonderCon a good place to find back issues...

It has nothing to do with comics, but if it forced a few of us to exercise, that can't be a bad thing.
Unfottunately, Meesh didn't get a shot of the accidental DC/Marvel Dance-off that happened later Saturday.
Cons are great for discovering publishers with incredible work that haven't yet found the mainstream audience.
Here's 4th Dimension Entertainment with a character maquette from their excellent signature book, Lackadaisy.

Mish'al Samman


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