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Comics Today's Date: 1- 1- 125 

Comic-Con 2010:
The Walking Dead Booth...
Not For The Squeamish

It's a disturbing but effective display, advertising AMC's upcoming television adaptation of Robert Kirkman's critically acclaimed and wildly popular comic book from Image Comics. Though memorable, it may be too intense for younger attendees.

Through a clever use of television screens behind curtained windows, AMC transports you into the living room of a couple that have given up resistance. The husband has shot his wife and himself, leaving a grotesque but plaintive message in blood. And then you can have your image taken and zombified...

(photos by Derek McCaw)

Someone's outside...

Cut off from the outside world...

The wife has been killed...

Is this the sane response?

They're still outside... getting closer...

...and closer...


Derek McCaw


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