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Comic-Con 2006: From Another Angle, part 1

Photographer/screenwriter Jeffrey Berman offers more pictures from around the floor...

It's like a magic castle...enticing us to wonders...

"Oh, yeah? Well, if I'm so lame a character,
why do people keep dressing up as me, huh? Answer me that, smart guy..."

Venom unmasked. Could we also get Spider-Girl uncorseted?

I've got to say, the Riddler outfit looks like it might make great sleepwear, too...

If she touches that escalator ungloved...

Joe Flanigan from Stargate: Atlantis.

Two representing The 4400...

Let's face it...Kristen Bell could be this year's sweetheart of the Comic-Con...

Unlike the show, Doctor Girlfriend was more of a contralto...

It's a big year for pirates...

Derek McCaw


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