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Yes, we celebrate Thanksgiving.
Chair Shots

11-29-02 Smackdown
Since no one was watching Smackdown due to the Thanksgiving holiday, it seems as if almost no effort was put into the show.

None of the things that Smackdown and the writing staff have done so much better than Raw were present. All in all, it was just a mess of a show that if you missed, you can be thankful.

Stephanie McMahon started out the show with a rambling speech that resulted in her suspending Brock Lesnar. Long before she announced her decision, she was playing the heel, which was unusual since she's not supposed to be one. She offered the explanation later that "Aunt Flo" was visiting, much to Kurt Angle's confusion. Now the idea of having a good girl wrestling figurehead that turns heel once a month is a unique and interesting concept, but it's not one I think anyone has been clamoring to see.

Edge & Rey Mysterio took on John Cena and Matt Hardy in an unspectacular tag match. Cena now has a valet named B2 (formerly Bull Buchanan). This gimmick isn't going to get Bull over with the fans anymore than his last three did. The guy is dead weight that should have been dropped a long time ago. Better yet, put him on Tough Enough 4 and make him fight for his spot in the WWE again.

As makeovers go, it's a lame one, too. Test gets Stacy Keibler and B2 gets John Cena. Test gets a haircut and B2 gets a khoufi. Test gets a push and B2 gets a name that's just as dumb as HHH.

Speaking of meaningless heel/face flip-flops, Tajiri was back to being heel again this week. I mentioned a month ago that Tajiri's flip-flops are a sign that the writers have no grasp of his character. I stick by that observation. More wasted talent.

Ernest "The Cat" Miller filled in for Tazz on announcing and did a pretty good job. He's probably earned himself a spot on the B-level shows like Heat or Velocity. I did notice that in full character mode, The Cat sounds like the love child of Muhammad Ali and Gilbert Gottfried.

There were more bad skits on the show than pies at a Thanksgiving dinner. Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson are a real-life couple and they can't hold a convincing conversation for more than a minute. Kurt Angle and Stephanie McMahon discussed PMS at length. Fabulous Moolah made an appearance for no good reason. Scott Steiner didn't smack or grab Nidia's butt. That, my friends, was fingering.

The only good thing about the show, other than Dawn Marie covered in "holiday juice", was the tag match between Benoit and Angle vs. Los Guerreros. Once again four of the Smackdown Six wrestle each other. And while I hated that they restarted the match, a gimmick already overused on Raw, the match itself was entertaining and fun.

The main event to the show was Big Show vs Fabulous Moolah. I assume this was someone's idea of a joke. Holiday shows are usually good-natured fun, but this show was just poorly scripted and not that well acted. Thankfully, we have a long weekend to relax and get over it.

Junior Superstars
The Undertaker's wife Sara and Kurt Angle's wife Karen both gave birth to baby girls this week. Our best wishes go out to all of them. How would you like to be the first kid that dates little Ms. Undertaker?

Happy Holidays everyone. See you Tuesday.

Michael Goodson


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