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Raw Thoughts
First, let me thank Derek McCaw for filling in for me on Monday. I was the victim of lay-offs recently and I spent most of Monday at a Brassring.com job fair. I unfortunately didn't find anything better than writing for FanboyPlanet.com in my underwear, so here I am.

Raw this week was a mediocre show. A few good moments right next to things that make you say "gag." I've spent so much time in the last few weeks talking about what's wrong with the WWF and how to fix things that this week I want to just focus on the things they did right. Chris Jericho vs. Rock is the money feud for this Sunday. Austin/Angle/RVD has yet to really spark my interest the way Jericho and Rock have. Who will win the match? Will there be a heel turn? Will the WWF screw it up? These are the questions I ask myself and that is a good thing. Kurt Angle made me laugh with his "Olympic Badass" bit. Angle became a fan favorite doing goofy comedy with Austin. It's nice to see him go back to that every now and then, yet maintain his intense baby face persona. Christian gained some nice heel heat this week by setting up and beating down Edge. That's all icing on the cake, baby. If only someone hadn't spit all over that cake by having Christian join the Alliance. Mick Foley brings star power to Raw. When HHH returns, we will have something to talk about. That's about it for the good parts. The rest was as useless as a Trish Stratus Interview and left me without Stratusfaction.
Ratings were not good for the show as Raw scored a 4.1 rating for the week. That's down 0.4 from last week's much-hyped Raw. Last weeks rating only went up 0.1 with all the hype, but dropped 0.4 this week. Either last week's Raw left a sour taste in a whole lot of mouths or people really wanted to see that Redskins/Cowboys game. That was sarcasm.

I Found a Job!
Screw Brassring! The WWF is hiring on-air talent. I've submitted my resume and now you can, too. Check it out. And now a nation of wrestling fans bow thier heads to pray that this is the first sign that Michael Cole will get fired. They are also hiring a Sales Assistant, Senior Photographer, Thong Washer, TV Intern, Producer, Tit Fluffer, Television P.A., Tape Operator and Ass Kissers. I'd like to point out that it does not list "television script writers" which means we can all safely watch Monday Night Football without the risk of missing anything interesting.

That Time of the Month
Sources say that Kurt Angle took a kick to the nose from Rob Van Dam Tuesday night at the Smackdown tapings that produced copious amounts of blood. For those keeping tabs at home, the list of people RVD has busted open is: Steve Austin, Test, Chris Jericho (twice), Kurt Angle (twice) and Raven. Since Tazz isn't doing anything with it, maybe RVD should start using the "just another victim" catchphrase.

Mick Foley Rules
"Mick Foley's Halloween Hijinx" will debut at No. 8 on the New York Times Children's Picture Books best-seller list for the week of Oct. 21. Yay, Mick.

That's it for today. Enjoy Smackdown and I'll be back on Friday to examine the pay per view line up. DirecTV viewers can probably skip that part.

Michael Goodson




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