Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we give you the scoop on what's
happening in and out of the wrestling ring. Somedays it's even funny!
7/30/01 |
like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain."
Raw Preview
The Rock has come back to the WWF! That’s right kids, after taking several
months off to shoot The Scorpion King, The Rock returns to WWF TV. It
has been teased that he may join WCW/ECW (which I will now call The
Alliance because everyone else does), but you’d have to be stupid if
you believed that the WWF would put The Rock and Stone Cold on the same
side. Clearly they will build towards a Rock vs. Austin main event at
SummerSlam with the possibility of it being a three-way match with Kurt
Angle. Speaking of Kurt, he will defend his newly won WCW Championship
belt against Booker T tonight. WWF.com is also promising Rob Van Dam
vs. Tajiri in a Hardcore Championship match (woo hoo!) and The Dudley
Boyz vs. Undertaker & Kane in a Tables Match (been there, done that).
Tough Enough
so I got all caught up on my Tough Enough viewing on Saturday. God bless
MTV for repeating shows ad nauseum. First was episode #5. Finally Darryl
was eliminated. It wasn’t quite as satisfying seeing him leave since
3 others had quit before him, but make no mistake, he was the first
one to be canned. Plus, the men in the cast got to humiliate Darryl
by making him do push ups while saying “I’m your bitch.” I don’t know
why I hated Darryl so much, but I’m happy to see him get his comeuppance
and leave. Next was episode #6 in which we lost another cast member,
Shadrick. If there is one problem with Tough Enough, it’s that the show
isn’t long enough. Shadrick was nowhere to be seen in episodes 1-4.
In episode 5 we see that Shadrick is worried about being cut and then
in episode 6, he’s gone. A couple of weeks ago the female contestants
all went out to lunch with Stephanie McMahon. Just as Stephanie is about
to explain how she felt seeing her Dad kiss Trish Stratus in front of
her wheel chair bound Mother, we cut away. If the show were longer,
we would have time to explore in more depth the training and the behind
the scenes aspects. That would make Tough Enough awesome. Anyway, Shadrick
was booted and I can’t really say that I cared. Clearly everyone liked
him, especially Jackie who broke down crying when she realized she would
have to crush the dreams of a WWF hopeful. Next week we get to see Harvard
Chris beat up Josh and find out a secret that Pauline has been keeping.
That should be fun.
WCW Price
time ago, I reported that the WWFE paid just under 7 million for WCW.
Pretty cheap price for a company that made 100 million dollars in one
year and promised to make 200 million the next. Well, guess what? I
was wrong. According to the WWFE financials report on Yahoo, filed July
27th, the WWF paid 2.5 million for WCW's name, library, and
"intangible assets,” plus 1.8 million in fees for a grand total
of 4.3 million. What a bargain!
told you a month ago that Tammy “Sunny” Stych and Missy “Skank” Hyatt
were opening their own porn website called WrestlingVixxxens. Well, it’s open
and it pretty much sucks. I’ll save you the membership fee by telling
you that it’s mostly low quality pictures of an “I’m off drugs and gaining
weight” Tammy showing her wares on an amateurishly designed website.
Go patrol alt.binaries.wrestling and save yourself the 10 bucks. There
is an in depth review over here.
More on Eric Bischoff:
off his trial where he admitted to watching a stripper have sex with
his wife comes the allegation from Missy Hyatt that DDP and Eric Bischoff
used to swap wives. Diamond Dallas Page is of course married to Kimberly
Page. No wonder Bischoff kept pushing DDP to the world title. Of course
Missy runs her own porn site, so she could be full of it. Anyone out
there have pictures I can print?
of Eric, his Calgary promotion Matrats, which is made up of young boys
(get your mind out of the gutter), is changing it’s name. Next Generation
Wrestling will put on its first PPV on October 28. The broadcast
team of that show will be the former ECW team of Joey Styles and Don
"Cyrus" Callis. Rumor is that Eric Bischoff will be available
for wife swapping and Pokemon card trading after the show.
Hogan’s New Promotion
Hogan was putting together a new promotion to compete with Vince McMahon
by the end of the year. Well, it’s dead. That’s all I know. Hulk, if
you’re reading this, call me. We’ll do lunch.
MECW, Not Just
a Cat Food Anymore
because Hulk Hogan’s new promotion is dead doesn’t mean that competition
for the WWF is lost. A brand new group called MECW is starting up. So
far they have named Curt Hennig their inaugural champ. They are also
in negotiation with Buff Bagwell and former WWF and WCW booker Terry
Taylor. MECW is still working to get a television deal. I’ll let you
know more when it happens. They don't even have a website yet.
Don’t Call Him
but not least, 1Wrestling is reporting
that WWF old timer, The Iron Sheik will be at Caroline's Comedy Club
on Broadway in New York City performing stand-up tonight during its
open mike night. You can probably skip it. I hear it’s all old jokes
about Sergeant Slaughter walking into a bar...
to you Wednesday.
this and more in the Fanboy forums.