Spider-Man: Into the Fabulous!
A package arrived for Mrs.The Moral Compass yesterday: six special vials of official Spider-Man themed nail polish from Opi.
Now the average fanboy probably isn't up on the latest in fingernail technology, but the green one on the right and the gray one near the center are what's called "shatter" shades, because once it is applied the surface automatically segments into a bunch of fractured sections. They typically go on over another color and mixing and matching gives you lots of effects to play with. The name of those colors? A Lizard-inspired "Shatter the Scales" and "Just Spotted The Lizard."
Also included are Into the Night (a dark blue), My Boyfriend Scales Walls (white), Number One Nemesis (a gray-green metallic), Just Spotted the Lizard (a gold-green glitter), Your Web or Mine? (a glimmery bright pink) and Call Me Gwen-Ever (coral).
Obviously you're asking, where can I buy some for myself, my girlfriend, or my boyfriend? Well, right here of course!
Photo by Deborah Bretschneider